I think little Red Riding hood is kind of annoying, who would mistake a wolf in a nightie as a grandma?

            I guess it would depend on the lighting and how closely you were looking, but a wolf in a nightie. Aghhhhhhhh.

            Anyway for the purposes of this post I’ve decided the characters in Little Red Riding Hood are all  all social media marketing styles.

            It totally fits - see.......

            My super scientific Little red riding hood social media marketing styles as follows:

            1-Wolf dressed as grandma- experimental / having fun- who doesn’t love fancy dress?

            2-Little Red Riding Hood- high energy, basket of helpfulness and shiz.

            3-Woodcutter- determined and focused, sometimes can go a bit over the top.

            4- Confusing Forest- lots of growth and good stuff but obviously watch out for those gnarly roots that are a trip hazard - safety first people

            I can journey through all these at times.. how about you?


            I should also say that it is possible that Little Red Riding Hood considered that the better lit, more direct way to her Grandmas house was possibly a better choice, but was worried people would think she was being boring and the lesson here is go with your gut and be yourself. It doesn't always have to be difficult - marketing or evading wolves dressed as Grandmas.